5 Reasons Why Your Campaign Isn't Ranking and 5 Ways to Fix It

A black and white winners’ podium with the numbers, “1, 2, 3,” glowing slightly highlighting the importance of effective content marketing for website ranking.

You’ve spent hours carefully crafting a content marketing series. You’ve got social media snippets from your blogs and articles set up and scheduled, ready to post automatically. Your CTAs all link to actionable posts or product pages.

You go live and… Nothing. Your website doesn’t climb the SERPs (search engine results pages), leads don’t increase, and the buzz around your brand isn’t any busier.

What’s going on? Well, the chances are, it’s one of the following five problems — but don’t worry, we’ve got solutions for them all to help improve your website ranking and brand visibility.

1. Lack of SEO Awareness

SEO stands for search engine optimization and without it, even the smartest campaigns can fail. Not everyone is an SEO expert and that’s okay. That’s why over 42% of companies outsource SEO activities to external professionals. If SEO isn’t part of your marketing strategy, this could be the reason for a poor website ranking.

2. Non-Competitive Content

Have you had a look at your competitors’ top-ranking content? Yours has to be better. Take the time to understand trending queries and keywords to drive a content marketing strategy that provides genuine value to prospective clients.

3. Unfocused Targeting

You can’t please everybody all of the time. A good axiom for just about any aspect of life but particularly for marketing. Your campaigns must be focused on a segment of your target audience. Make sure you align content with your marketing or wider organization goals for the best impact.

4. Poor User Experience

If you share an image on social media but when viewers click it, it takes them to an unrelated page, that’s a bad user experience. Similarly, broken links, slow loading speeds, and faulty apps all turn potential leads away. Test everything and respond to feedback fast.

5. Not Enough Backlinks

Link building is an essential part of SEO. When people link to your site (or blog or social media) it organically rises up the SERPs. Work with partners, influencers, and industry peers to create link-building collaborations and strategies that get your campaigns noticed.

Final Word

Keeping abreast of shifting SEO trends and marketing techniques is challenging for busy founders and startup leaders. Partner with marketing experts who can oversee your entire strategy and help boost your website ranking, generating more demand for your services than ever. Book a free 15-minute introductory call to find out how.

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