Skyblue Pink: The Color of Innovation and Courage in Tech Startups

In the life of a tech startup, there are moments that feel exactly like the transition between day and night. Moments when the clear blue sky of your initial vision starts to blend with the passionate pink of reality, creating a hue that’s not just unique but also undefinable. I call this the "Skyblue Pink" phase of entrepreneurship—a term lovingly borrowed from my father to describe the indescribable beauty of dusk. It symbolizes a time of change, challenge, and incredible beauty if one is willing to see it. This entrepreneurial spirit, a legacy passed down from my father and both my paternal and maternal grandfathers, instilled in me the courage to embrace innovation and the resilience to navigate the myriad challenges of business leadership.

The other evening, as my son and I were looking out over the vast expanse of San Francisco and the bay at dusk, I was reminded of this phase. The sky was a tapestry of colors, a shade my son described as rainbow, and one my father, Bob Rabideau, would have called Skyblue Pink. It was a vivid reminder of the journey of innovation and risk-taking that lies at the heart of every tech startup. My father, an entrepreneur himself, along with my grandfathers, taught me many invaluable lessons about hard work, leadership, and the challenges and rewards that come with running a business. These lessons have been a guiding light in my journey with ARCH Collective.

Perception is Everything

In the world of B2B tech startups, how we perceive challenges and opportunities can define our path forward. Just like the unique blend of colors in the sky at dusk, challenges in the startup world are not monochrome. They're a spectrum of lessons, opportunities, and moments that, when viewed through the right lens, can inspire innovation and drive.

Embracing the Skyblue Pink Moments

The Skyblue Pink moments are those times when the path forward isn't clear, when the risks seem daunting, and the usual colors of business don't apply. It’s in these moments that founders are called to innovate, to blend the wisdom of experience with the brightness of new ideas, creating something entirely new and breathtakingly beautiful.

In these moments, courage becomes your compass. Embracing the unknown, stepping into the uncharted territories of tech, PropTech, InsureTech, or any field within the built environment, requires a vision that can see beyond the current colors of the industry. It requires seeing potential in what does not yet exist—finding your Skyblue Pink.

The Beauty of Taking Risks

Taking risks is inherent to the startup journey, but so is the beauty that comes from these leaps of faith. Just as the sky at dusk promises the potential of a new day, taking calculated risks in business opens up a world of possibilities. It’s about not just accepting the unknown but welcoming it with open arms and a vision that can find the rainbow in the risk.

For those of us leading B2B tech startups and ventures in the property ecosystem, embracing our Skyblue Pink moments means daring to redefine the industry. It means creating solutions that bridge the gap between what is and what could be, driving innovation that shapes the future of how we live, work, and interact with our environment.


As I looked out over the city with my son, witnessing the beauty of Skyblue Pink, I was reminded of the essence of entrepreneurship. It’s a journey defined by moments of uncertainty, beauty, and the courage to see beyond the conventional. My father's entrepreneurial journey and the wisdom passed down from my grandfathers have been instrumental in shaping my approach to business and leadership. For all of us at ARCH Collective, and for the startups we serve, let's embrace our Skyblue Pink moments. Let’s innovate with courage, lead with vision, and paint the sky with the colors of our dreams.


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