So, You’ve Updated Your Brand. Now What?

A black board on a white wall with the text “WHATEVER IT TAKES” represents the impact of a rebrand or brand update.

Rebranding is a big deal. It’s about taking every client-facing aspect of your business and shifting it so that it delivers the right message. It could even mean tweaking your company values. A successful rebrand deserves celebration. But what happens next? Here at Arch Collective, we’ve pulled together three steps to follow after any brand update.

1. Do: Have a Big Relaunch

Make some noise about your new look. Engage all your online platforms to advertise a single focal point for a launch event. Blog about it. Put videos across YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. Consider a physical event if you have clients that you regularly engage with face-to-face.

2. Don’t: Fall Back on Old Brand Messaging

We get it: Habits are hard to break. When you’re used to positioning your tech products or services a certain way, it can be hard to pivot to a new way of communicating with clients and leads. However, if you don’t make the switch, it renders your rebranding virtually worthless.

3. Do: Gather Data on Your Rebrand’s Success

How do you know if your new brand is gaining you traction in your market? Via carefully gathered data and analytics. Once rebranding is complete, make sure you’re getting data on website visits, social media engagement, blog hits, and even telephone calls. Compare and contrast with the same data from the old brand, and discuss with your branding and marketing experts. Ideally, you should see a lift across the metrics, but don’t panic if it’s not instantaneous. Change takes time to filter through to your target audience, so monitor after a week, a month, three months, and six months before taking further action.

Final Word

How do you stay on target with a new brand? By investing time and effort in an updated brand messaging framework. If you want help and support creating yours, check out our online course or book a 15-minute introductory call and let’s see how we can help.

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